Terms for the Professor W.R. (Twink) Allen Travel Fellowship
The Professor W.R. (Twink) Allen Travel Fellowship has been established in memory of Twink’s substantial contribution to the field of equine reproduction research and its translation into clinical practice. Read more.
The Professor W.R. (Twink) Allen Travel Fellowship has been established in memory of Twink’s substantial contribution to the field of equine reproduction research and its translation into clinical practice. The Fellowship aims to promote the advancement of knowledge and practical skills in the field of equine reproduction, with particular emphasis on the mare. It provides travel fellowships to enable young or more experienced scientists or clinicians to visit centres of research or clinical practice to expand their knowledge and experience and / or transfer knowledge and practical skills. The maximum Fellowship(s) awarded will be US$5,000 per annum.
Early Career applicants should demonstrate that the period of travel relates directly to the provision of specialised training and provide evidence of approval of the visit from their own supervisor and / or home institute. For work involving animals, all national and institutional ethical approvals and licences must be obtained in advance of the work commencing. As a condition of the Fellowship, successful applicants are required to submit a report of their visit within two months of return. This may be in poster, video/webinar or written format.
The Twink Allen Fellowships are specifically for travel and accommodation costs of the applicant, with some allowance for consumable materials and Covid-19 testing. No additional living costs will normally be provided. As a guide, the duration should range from 1-3 months. If required, applicants will be responsible for any visas in advance of travel. Applications must be submitted prior to travel and fellowships will not be awarded retrospectively. The fellowships will normally be made in two stages: half the amount to be paid in advance of the visit and the balance to be paid upon receipt of a satisfactory report from the applicant after the visit has been completed. Successful applicants must inform the Trustees immediately of any change in their circumstances which would prevent them starting or completing the visit. For further details or if you have any questions, please contact the
Fellowship Secretariat: janwade@btopenworld.com OR julia.kydd1@nottingham.ac.uk